Piers Morgan got in one last word in favor of gun control during the final episode of his CNN program on Friday, and called for the complete disarmament of the American citizenry: "As my brother, ...
Nancy Grace blasted Piers Morgan on the latter's CNN program on Monday for unsurprisingly forwarding gun control in the middle of a panel discussion on the controversial Michael Dunn case: "It's ...
Columbia University Professor Marc Lamont Hill chided Piers Morgan on the British host's CNN program on Wednesday for his apparent lack of sensitivity towards transgendered author Janet Mock ...
Piers Morgan was left aghast on his CNN program on Wednesday over "being viciously abused by the transgender community," in his words, over an interview he conducted with Janet Mock the previous ...
Once again, CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta cast President Obama's "you can keep your health
care plan" lie as something much more innocent. On Tuesday's Piers Morgan Live, he stated, "I think with ...
British import Piers Morgan showed himself to be a left-wing hack on
Monday night when he openly stated his support for ObamaCare on his
eponymous CNN program Piers Morgan Live. The host ...
Before and during Tuesday's government shutdown, CNN hosts, reporters, and anchors blasted Republicans and blamed them for the shutdown. New Day co-host Chris Cuomo told Rep. Darrell Issa ...
Lee Daniels, director and producer of the new film "The Butler," lashed out on Monday's Piers Morgan Live at Americans who are "angry that [Obama] is president" and who are "showing their true ...
This is Jeff Zucker's CNN? Monday night's Piers Morgan Live featured Morgan defending the nanny state and calling for federal gun control. New CNN host Morgan Spurlock, appearing as a guest, ...
On Tuesday night's Piers Morgan Live, Morgan compared the Newtown shooting photos to the open casket of Emmett
Till in the 1950's and implied that America would need to see the
gruesomeness of ...