
Networks Push for Infrastructure Spending, Ignore Cost and Danger of Federal Failures

ABC, CBS and NBC silent about mistakes that took lives during Hurricane Katrina, wasted countless tax dollars for years.

Awful Unemployment Rate Left Out of More Than 3/4 of Job Stories

Network evening shows talk about employment woes, but rarely mention 9.1 percent figure.

GOP's 'Cut, Cap and Balance' Mostly Just Cut By Media

Republican budget plan only mentioned by name in 10 percent of stories.

Obama Backs EPA War on Coal, While Networks Ignore Harm to Industry

Major utility announces proposal to retire power plants, layoff workers and spend billions to comply with 'pending' regulations.

Stimulus Two Years Later, Networks Ignore Obama's Failed Job Promise

Eight percent unemployment prediction rarely made broadcast evening news.

Uncritical Condition

Network news fails to examine high cost and proven failures of government-run health care

Media Myth: Networks Stick to Warming Theme Despite Avalanche of Chilling News

Alarmists get snowed in for Washington, D.C. rally; networks mostly ignore signs of cooling temps, 'record' cold.

Econ 101: ElectionWatch: Presidents Shouldn't Have 'Plans'

Candidates race to present plans for the economy, education, health care and global warming - but a planned economy has never worked before.

Schumer Has Praise for Paulson's Regulatory Restructuring Plan

Democratic New York senator tells CNBC's Erin Burnett that Paulson's plan is 'a good foundation.'

CBS Guest: Taxpayer-Funded Bailout Needed So Taxes Can Be Collected Later

Economist Mark Zandi tells 'The Early Show' things bound to get worse, but has a backwards solution.
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