8/8/2011 3:43 PM ET
Radical environmentalists call for destruction of industrialized civilization and agriculture, demand return to primitive living.
1/21/2011 6:35 PM ET
Ethanol was touted as 'wave of the future,' hyped as 'easy solution' for energy independence.
6/12/2008 12:54 PM ET
Network's 'Earth 2100' program warns about collapse of civilization, asks 'Are we next?'
3/3/2008 6:32 PM ET
How the Major Networks Silence the Debate on Climate Change
5/11/2007 1:53 PM ET
'Nightline' lauds the man without toilet paper, but never mentions his book contract.
4/4/2007 3:54 PM ET
ABC is just as fascinated with idea of no left turns, but neither outlet mentions how impractical it is for ordinary drivers.
4/3/2007 4:59 PM ET
Time's 51 things 'to make a difference' would control food we eat and where it is grown.