
Population: 7 Billion Reasons to Panic this Halloween

Milestone causes alarm among left-wing population control proponents, media allies.

George Soros: Media Mogul: Executive Summary

Lefty Businessman Spends Millions Funding Journalism

Beckhams' 4th Child No Bundle of Joy to British Greens, Media

Happily married British superstars give birth to baby girl; UK environmentalists cry selfish.

Book Review: 'Climate of Corruption' Digs Deep Into Climate Change Agenda, Finds 'Big Lie'

Unlike the network news media that have campaigned against global warming for years, new book details the politicization of climate science.

Scientific American Proposes Global Warming Solution: Birth Control through Contraception and Safe Abortion

Popular science periodical suggests reducing peak population to roughly 8 billion is the key reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Jack Cafferty All But Endorses Global One-Child Policy to Fight Climate Change

CNN's Jack Cafferty all but endorsed a global version of China's oppressive one-child policy on Friday's Situation Room. He repeated the argument of Canadian journalist Diane Francis, that ...

NBC Uses Shaky Intelligence to Fan Flames of Global Warming Alarmism

'Nightly News' portrays climate change as a threat to national security based on 'low- to medium-confidence' report findings.

NPR President: Climate Change to Make LA Traffic Even Worse

Kevin Klose tells global warming forum the U.S. must brace for 100 million more people and crowded roads.

One Man's Ultimate Contribution

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