
Media Research Center

Yale Eco-Podcast Urges: Eat More Bugs!

Climate Connections criticizes meat, claims insects are more environmentally friendly so people should ‘get past the gag reflex.’
Media Research Center

Hurricane Sandy Relief: Networks Attack GOP, But Mention Pork Only 1.5% of the Time

After disaster, ABC, CBS, NBC scarcely mention billions of wasteful spending in relief package.

Rapid Rail Is Really Just Political Pork

Media ignore how Democrats on track to give stimulus to their core voters.

Dear Globe: Spending Santas Will Stay Jolly

Elected officials give pork indiscriminately to the nice on their list.

'Early Show' Scares Viewers about Packaged Meat

CBS warns about carbon monoxide as an additive in meat packaging, but fail to show it has a health advantage.
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