
Bad Economy Causing Spike in Spam Sales, Reports 'Nightly News'

Anchor Brian Williams calls lunch meat product 'a huge economic indicator' although Hormel attributes profit increase to a variety of factors.

The Great Media Depression

News reports depict economy far worse now than during the 1929 stock market crash

CNN Wonders 'What If' Oil Hit $200 a Barrel

Segment features speculation by reporter and 'peak oil' analyst, with no counter-arguments from today's reality.

ABC: Gas Tax Break 'Great Politics, but Apparently Terrible Economics'

'World News' reports proposed gas tax holiday supported by Clinton and McCain is bad for consumers and the environment.

Crude Coverage

Media ignore OPECs control of oil market when covering Americas pain at the pump.

The Medias Top 10 Economic Myths of 2007

Compiled by the Business and Media Institute

Media Premature on Anticipated Doom of $100/Barrel Oil

Networks warned of $100/barrel oil and its potentially disastrous effects months ago, but it hasn't happened.

Morning Show Uses Thanksgiving Travel to Call High Gas Prices 'Highway Robbery'

CNN's 'American Morning' frames story on gas prices as if oil companies are stealing from consumers.

NPR: The Economy Is Surviving $100 Oil

Public radio broadcast says $100 oil hasn't had too much of a negative effect on economy ... 'yet.'

Bad Company III

For American Businessmen in the News, the Defense Never Rests
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