
HuffPo: 'Missed Opportunity' of BP Spill, Cap and Trade, are 'Point of No Return'

Jim Garrison laments the failure of the eco-left to legislate change on climate issues, surprisingly suggests private sector might be quickest route to change.

CNN's Unemployment Report Misses Mark by 71,000 Jobs

Anchor Kyra Phillips misreports that 60,000 jobs vanished in July; actual decline was 131,000.

The Flight of the Money - Where Has It Gone?

Obama's policies terrify business community; capital is leaving, cash is being hoarded.

Stop the Presses! Time Magazine Says Private Enterprise is 'Job-Creation Machine'

Barbara Kiviat's new cover story credits the private sector for creating jobs, says government only helps in short term.

Sowell: Government's Current Role in Business the 'Route' to Fascism

Hoover Institute economist tells Fox News Channel's Glenn Beck U.S. is 'partially' capitalist; not socialist, but fascist.

Michelle to Young Girls: Aim for Vacuous Celebrity, Not Useful Productivity

The first lady sends a signal about what she considers acceptable ambition.
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