For the last decade, Diane Sawyer has been a familiar face to millions of morning TV viewers as co-host of ABC’s Good Morning America. Over her lengthy career at ABC, Sawyer has repeatedly lauded ...
For the past seven years, Harry Smith has co-hosted CBS's The Early Show, currently the third-place broadcast network morning news program. Smith previously co-hosted CBS’s This Morning from 1987 ...
Media coverage of the more than 800 Taxed Enough Already (TEA) Party protests, which took place in all fifty states on April 15, 2009 ranged from disdainful dismissal of their nature, significance ...
As co-host of ABC’s The View, Rosie O’Donnell has used her daytime perch to push an array of extreme left-wing and anti-American views, including her assertion that "radical Christianity is just ...
George Stephanopoulos became a political celebrity as a spin doctor in Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign. Hired by ABC News after four years as a top presidential aide, ABC's corporate ...
Brian Williams, who suggests Jimmy Carter is one of the greatest former presidents in history and that the Founding Fathers could be called terrorists, landed in the anchor chair at NBC’s Nightly ...
Charles Gibson, ABC’s longtime co-host of Good Morning America was tapped to replace Elizabeth Vargas as solo anchor of World News Tonight, starting May 29, 2006. On his morning show, and as a ...
To mark his retirement, the May 21, 2006 edition of 60 Minutes devoted a tribute to Mike Wallace. Below, from the MRC's archive, are some comments and views from Wallace that were not mentioned on ...
On May 14, 2006, NBC aired the final episode of The West Wing. Since its debut in September of 1999 when "President Josiah Bartlet," played by Martin Sheen, told some cartoon-ish conservative ...
On April 6, 2006, NBC announced that Meredith Vieira, a host of ABC's The View, would succeed Katie Couric as co-host of the Today show. In picking Vieira, NBC chose a journalist with a record of ...