
Whoopi! ABC's Goldberg Calls for Legalizing Prostitution

The View's hostess responds to the Spitzer scandal by arguing for decriminalizing the flesh trade, ignoring the pain of infidelity and the exploitation of vulnerable women.

Stand By Your Womanizer

Hopefully, the Spitzer family will experience forgiveness and reconciliation. That takes time and work. But exploitation of the family by the one who broke the trust is hardly the right catalyst.

ABC News Pimping for Ratings

For insight on Nevada presidential politics, most national journalists might turn to political science profs at UNLV or perhaps some local ink-stained wretches. Not ABC World News Saturday. They ...

Vitter Scandal: Media Swallow Larry Flynt's Line

Quite a contrast to the media hostility when the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth exposed John Kerry as a made-up war hero.

Vitter's Prostitution Scandal: One Network Seeks the Lesson, Another Slams an Ideological Enemy

ABC twists the knife in Vitter, while CNN explores changing public expectations of politicians and morality.

English-Only Measure Burnishes Town's Image as "Old West Backwater"

The Times fires some cheap shots at "anti-immigration" legislation in Pahrump, Nevada.
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