
NYT: Modest Lefty Pittsburgh Protest Comparable to Huge Conservative Protest in D.C.

A reader could assume the Sept. 12 conservative protest in DC and the anarchist protest in Pittsburgh were of the same magnitude, as both described the crowd as in "thousands." Headline from the ...

CNN Zeroes-In on 'Dark Undercurrent' of Tea Parties

CNN's Jim Spellman did his best to paint the participants of the Tea Party Express's rallies across the nation as a bunch of extremists on Saturday's Newsroom. Spellman played clips which ...

Notre Dame Protests Over Obama Address Merely "High-Pitched Indignation"

Suddenly, protests against commencement speeches by political figures are troubling and potentially cringeworthy - at least when they involve pro-abortion liberal Democrats.

Rev. Rick Warren Hounded by Gay Protestors - and the Times

Shaila Dewan devotes almost half of her story to a gay rights protest outside the Atlanta church where Rev. Rick Warren was marking Martin Luther King day.

Times Celebrates: A Vietnam Protest Lives Again as Art

The Times helps repurpose anti-Vietnam War agitprop for Iraq in "Giving New Life To Protests Of Yore."
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