
Arianna Huffington: Free Speech Applies Only to Liberals

Huffington Post founder finds fault with paranoid style of conservative speech while ignoring inflammatory liberal accusations.

Chris Matthews Compares Conservatives to Murderous Khmer Rouge

Appearing on the January 29 Rachel Maddow show, fellow MSNBCer Chris Matthews compared Republican conservatives to the Khmer Rouge, the murderous Communist regime that racked up a body count of ...

Times Keeps Pushes the Myth of Missing Moderates in the G.O.P.

The mystery of the missing moderates: The "moderate wing of the Republican Party in Florida and across the country is a very, very small group...if they exist at all, Times political profiler Mark ...

Alter Blasts Cheney for 'Emboldening the Terrorists' -- Says He's 'Very Dangerous' and 'Must Be Stopped'

Newsweek columnist accuses for VP of depicting President Obama as weak on national security and therefore increasing country's vulnerability.

Maddow's Peculiar Logic: Rove Shouldn't Oppose Same-Sex Marriage Due to Own Divorce

MSNBC host and proponent of gay marriage tries to use former Bush administration official's personal life to score political points.

MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell on Climate Skeptics: 'How Do You Rationalize the Deniers' and Their Impact?

MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell on Wednesday used the very loaded term of "denier" to deride global warming skeptics. Talking to liberal host Rachel Maddow, she referenced Sarah Palin's opposition to the ...

Times Sells MSNBC As 'Progressive But Not Partisan'

In his profile of MSNBC and host Rachel Maddow, reporter Brian Stelter stuck to supportive sources who believe MSNBC has ideological integrity and independence where Fox News has none.

MSNBC Crusades for Tax-Funded Abortion

Accusations of lying, calls for IRS investigations dominate coverage of Stupak Amendment.

MSNBC's Maddow Hypocrisy: Bashes Opinion Journalist John Stossel for Advocacy

'Rachel Maddow Show' host claims newly branded Fox Biz host's activist role disqualifies Fox from being considered 'news' despite her own activist endeavors.

CNN, MSNBC Hail Hate Crime Legislation; Ignore Consequences for Free Speech

Will religious teaching about homosexuality be prosecuted as a hate crime?
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