
Presenting Times Watch's Top Ten Lowlights of the New York Times in 2009

2009 began as a year of smiles at the Times, with rapture over the historic Obama administration. But the smile curdled into a defensive snarl during the long hot summer of angry, white, and ...

Michelle Obama Plays Santa Claus - Rachel Swarns Gifts Her With Gushing Coverage

Rachel Swarns continues to adore the first lady and her pet causes, filing two celebratory nytimes.com pieces, one calling Michelle Obama Santa Claus, the other celebrating the White House's ...

Times Doesn't Understand 'Feverish' 'Fuss' Over Downsized White House Hanukkah Party

A week after downplaying "non-religious Christmas" plans at the White House, the Times suggests complaints about the White House's downsized Hanukkah celebration are overdone.

One-Thousand Gushing Words on Obama's 'Glittering Gala' of a State Dinner

The Times celebrates Obama's first state dinner as if there's never been one before (certainly not one under boring Bush): "President Obama and his wife, Michelle, made sure to infuse the ...

Celebrating the First Lady, and the First Daughters Too

Hold the front page? Another non-news tribute to Michelle Obama from reporter Rachel Swarns, who reports that along with all the other fabulous things she does, the first lady is a great mother: ...

Michelle Obama Making Health-Care Stand - Rachel Swarns Rejoices

Hallelujah! Reporter and reliable first lady hagiographer Rachel Swarns writes: "After several months of focusing on her family, her garden and inspiring young people, Mrs. Obama is stepping into ...

Michelle Obama, Role Model

Bleech: "Mrs. Obama has long been known as frank and down to earth."

Michelle, My Belle

Reporter Rachel Swarns has pumped out four flattering pieces on the first lady in a month: "Michelle Obama, who has juggled news conferences and parent-teacher conferences..."

Michelle Obama's "Proud of My Country" Comment Again Dismissed

Just a "rhetorical stumble" used by "conservative" bloggers and columnists to attack her as "unpatriotic."

President Obama Suck-Up Alert: First Entry, Reporter Rachel Swarns

It's gonna be a long four years: "In a country long divided, Mr. Obama had a singular appeal: he is biracial and Ivy League educated; a stirring speaker who shoots hoops and quotes the theologian ...
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