
Nossiter Again Accuses Southern GOP of Racist Appeals

Adam Nossiter: "Hoping to hang on to a Congressional seat in a tight special election here on Tuesday, Republicans in this mostly white and very conservative district are trying to make the vote ...

Religion: How ABC Loathes Thee

Boston Legal episode is a vehicle for anti-religious propaganda under the guise of entertainment.

On Crucial Primary Day, the Times Definitely Tilts Toward Obama

Sarcastically criticizing Hillary, the Times unleashes its inner Republican: "She raises eyebrows and arms in exaggerated indignation. Students who take jobs they do not particularly want after ...

The Times Doesn't Delve Into Jeremiah Wright's Wackiness

The Times' front-page story found Wright a little daffy but essentially harmless: "...a rich, stem-winding brew of black history, Scripture, hallelujahs and hermeneutics."

Are Hillary Voters Racist?

Adam Nagourney: "The composition of Mrs. Clinton's support - or, looked at another way, the makeup of voters who have proved reluctant to embrace Mr. Obama - has Democrats wondering, if not ...

For Obama, How Bitter It Is

ABC, NBC soft-pedaled the candidate's remark lumping religion in with racism, and ignored the message about his values.

ABC News: Weight Discrimination is 'Spiraling Upward'

Story on network's Web site claims 'weight-ism more widespread than racism,' blames business and attacks personal responsibility.

An Economic Reporter's Wacky Idea of Utopia: Let Government Spend Even More

Eduardo Porter: "But philanthropy allows [Americans] to target spending on those they personally believe are deserving, instead of allowing the government to choose....Politicians, from Richard ...

On Easter Sunday, Celebrating Obama's Speech from the Pulpit - and the NYT

"Television programs showed recorded parts of sermons by Mr. Wright, who is nationally known for his work in creating economic development programs in the inner city, inspiring many other black ...

Obama's "Unimaginable Step" on Race vs. GOP's "Under Cover" Racism

According to the Times, any popular GOP position is a stand-in for racial animosity: "Race did not disappear entirely from presidential campaigns; it went under cover. It lay buried in code ...
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