Radical Islam

Media Research Center

Shameful Silence

Between January 2014 and June 2016, the network evening news shows referred to persecution against Christians in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia just 60 times. Despite telling of murders, ...
Media Research Center

Bias by the Minute: Tallying the Network News Agenda in 2015

The network news agenda in 2015: heavy on crime, terrorism and weather, but light on Democratic scandals, ObamaCare's failings, the out-of-control national debt, sanctuary cities and Planned ...
Media Research Center

Media Support Muslim Cleric’s Soda Discrimination Claim; Ignore Radical Ties

Media quick to report alleged discrimination, reluctant to give full story.
Media Research Center

'Hate Group' Blamed for ISIS Attack in Texas

The liberal moralists in the media again display a general softness toward Muslims and focus all their energy on "Islamophobes" instead.
Media Research Center

GMA, Today Yawn at Christian Escaping Sudan, Death Sentence for Her Christian Faith

On Friday, both ABC’s Good Morning America and NBC’s Today ignored the news that Meriam Ibrahaim, a Sudanese woman who was sentenced to death in Sudan for converting from Islam to Christianity and ...
Media Research Center

Networks Cite 12 Times NSA Stopped Terror; No Mention of Islam

ABC, CBS, NBC all skip Muslim involvement in attacks.

NYT Can't Stop Blaming French President Sarkozy Appeals to 'Far Right,' Even After Toulouse Killer Identified as Radical Islamist

Even after the murderer in Toulouse is identified as a radical Islamist, the Times still can't let go of its attacks on French President Nicolas Sarkozy's for allegedly making anti-immigrant ...
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