NBC's Today on Tuesday offered a scant ten seconds to the
White House's backpedaling on skipping the massive anti-terror rally in
France. In contrast, ABC's Good ...
Good Morning America on Sunday recapped the liberal One Nation rally held on the nation's capital, Saturday, but skipped any mention of the socialist and Communist themed signs seen during the march.
Reporter Kate Zernike can't quit her obsession over the race (and racism) of the Tea Party, as shown by her descritption of Beck rally attendees: "The overwhelmingly white and largely middle-aged ...
In Kate Zernike's world you might be a racist if...you oppose minimum wage laws and other "safety net" programs. "Even if Tea Party members are right that any racist signs are those of ...
'Fast Money' co-host tells 'Kudlow Report' to stop listening to 'propeller-headed economists and dead British guys' and urges Obama to exhibit leadership.