
Dan Rather Nods Through Clinton Whoppers

CBS Anchor Buys Hillary's Ignorance, Bill's Couch Sleeping, Outrage at Kroft; Glosses Over Buckraking

For Clinton, Dan Rather is Putty in His Hands

CBS Anchorman Has Long Track Record of Cheerleading and Softball Questions for President Clinton

Dan Rather Makes Nice, Not News

Sixteen Years After Yelling at Bush The First, CBS Anchor Stays Mellow with Democratic Contenders

Dan Rather Stars in "Gullible's Travels"

In 60 Minutes II Interview with Saddam, CBS Anchorman Wastes Time on Trivia and Silliness

CBS's Rerun Publicity Gimmick: Saddam Floated Debate Idea in '90

In '90, Rather Asked About "A Vietnam In The Sand" For The U.S.

Notable Quotables - 06/24/2002

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