
Media Seek Silver Linings in Economic Storm Clouds

Despite worrisome reports on jobs, GDP, housing and other sectors, reporters continue to spin bad news for Obama.

Never Mind the Darkness, Obama Says it's Morning in America!

Can you feel us 'turning the corner' into the 'Summer of Recovery?' Me neither.

AP Touts Stimulus in German Recovery, Ignores Tax Cuts

Newswire cites 'various government measures,' fails to mention lower tax rates.

Media Defend Obama's Call for More Spending, Despite G-20 'Rift'

Krugman, ABC and others warn of double-dip recession, 'third depression' if stimulus ends.

Book Highlights Economic Recovery Without Government Help

'No Thank You, Mr. President': Elkhart County not a victim, but an example of triumph

'Dr. Doom' Roubini to Synagogue Audience: Israeli Air Strike on Iran 'Would Lead to Another Global Recession'

Prophetic economist warns that an attack from the U.S. or Israel on Iran would have 'financial consequences.'

USA Today Says Taxes are Low, Downplays Temporary Nature of Tax Cuts, Credits

Newspaper's analysis finds lowest level of taxes 'since 1950,' uses it to undermine Tea Party complaints.

Matthews: Obama Policies 'Conservative,' Dems 'Created' Middle Class

Wednesday night on MSNBC, as Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews discussed the upcoming State of the Union speech, Matthews seemed to lament that Obama would not be able to deliver a divisive ...

Dear USA Today: Current Crisis Not Worse than Great Depression

U.S. economic woes are not the result of globalization and free trade.

John Schwartz's Annual Distort: Mocking Bush's Social Security Reform, Reaganomics

Reporter John Schwartz is making an annual specialty out of mocking Republican economic ideas in the paper's special Mutual Funds Report section: In 2005 President Bush's attempt at Social ...
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