
CNN Correspondent Asks 'Where We Are in This Recession'

Ali Velshi's report indicates recession is already underway as he looks to Bernanke and Paulson for answers.

Consumer Confidence: Only News When It's Low(er)

Just how low is consumer confidence - or how high? The media have historically focused on low reports while ignoring highs - and their own role in shaping opinions on the economy.

Surprise: Despite Bleak Predictions, Retail Sales Climb in January

Even with 0.3 percent increase, 'Morning Joe' co-host remains convinced that economy is 'heading' for downturn.

Oops! CBS Warns of Rough Day for Stocks, but Dow up Big

'Early Show' forecast of 'rough morning' for U.S. markets turns into a gain of 176 points.

ABC: Housing Crisis Leading People to Burn Down Their Homes

Segment portrays home borrowers nearing foreclosure as high-risk for arson with extreme statements.

Media Gas Price Scares Running on Fumes

Predictions of fast-approaching $4-gallon gasoline are evaporating.

Buchanan: McCain 'Will Make Cheney Look Like Gandhi'

MSNBC contributor says candidate must focus on war, 'Islamo-fascism' because 'economy tanking'

Bartiromo Warns Recession Talk 'Begets More Weakness'

CNBC host reminds viewers what recession is; analyst says labor market data indicates economy will not hit recession.

Economics Reporter Sniffs at U.S. Consumerism, Harkens Back to 80s "Age of Greed"

Peter Goodman revives a golden oldie in his dismissive take on American spending habits: "The Me Decade was declared dead in the recession of the early 1980s, only to yield to the Age of Greed and ...

'GMA' Super Tuesday: Health Care, 'Recession' and Hillary in a Tutu

Anchor Robin Roberts lobs softball questions to Democratic presidential hopeful Clinton.
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