Former New York Times reporter turned editor David Firestone says the stimulus actually worked and you would think so too if not for those meddling Republicans: "Republicans learned a lesson from ...
Richard Oppel Jr., refusing to concede anything to Mitt Romney, fiercely defends Obama and, using a liberal trope, laments the alleged redistribution of income to the "very rich": "What
is ...
'Squawk Box' host tells viewers president's tax policy a signal 'he really believes that wealth needs to be redistributed after the income disparity over the past 30 years.'
FNC host and former Arkansas governor says president's policies well-intentioned, but gone about 'in the worst possible way if they're really serious about recovery.'
Katharine Seelye: "You know a campaign is reaching when it starts calling the opponent a 'redistributionist,' as Mr. McCain said of 'Barack the wealth-spreader.'"