Reliable Sources

Media Research Center

On CNN, Howard Kurtz Hits Media's 'Romance' with Hillary Clinton

CNN's media critic Howard Kurtz focused on the "romance" between the media and outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, on Sunday's Reliable Sources. "[T]hings were so lovey-dovey, it almost ...
Media Research Center

GOP-Bashing Authors on CNN: Press Not Hard Enough on GOP

The GOP-bashing tag team of Norm Ornstein and Thomas Mann was once again welcome on CNN on Sunday. Reliable Sources host Howard Kurtz did challenge the duo's leftist indictment of the media, ...
Media Research Center

Reuters's Freeland Thinks Paul Ryan's Gotten 'Pretty Fabulous' Media Coverage

In an irony of ironies, a CNN roundtable on media bias featured a liberal figure of the institutional media, Chrystia Freeland, claiming that Paul Ryan has gotten "pretty fabulous treatment" ...
Media Research Center

CNN Panelists Admit Media 'Nostalgia' for Clinton, Past 'Love Affair' With Obama

The media have "nostalgia" for Bill Clinton and a "tedious marriage" with President Obama, according to panel members on Sunday's Reliable Sources. CNN's Howard Kurtz mused that "the ...
Media Research Center

Howard Kurtz: Shouting Reporters a 'Model of Decorum' Compared to Cursing Romney Aide

CNN's media critic Howard Kurtz made the ludicrous assertion that reporters shouting loaded questions outside of a sacred site in Poland were still a "model of decorum" compared to Mitt Romney ...
Media Research Center

Howard Kurtz Warns CNN: Liberal Media Double Standard Apparent 'to Many'

Media critic Howard Kurtz warned CNN on Friday that "to many people" it looks like the media have a massive double standard in its campaign coverage of Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. "[W]hen ...
Media Research Center

Washington Post’s Milbank Claims: ‘Media Would Love to Have an Obama Scandal to Cover’

Unintentionally defining irony, in the midst of trying to rationalize news media disinterest in the “Fast & Furious” scandal by maintaining “it’s not a political scandal” but “a scandal of ...
Media Research Center

Ex-ABC News Head Westin Defends Ban on American Flag Pins

Appearing as a guest on Sunday's Reliable Sources on CNN to plug his book, Exit Interview, former ABC News President David Westin recounted his decision to continue barring journalists from ...
Media Research Center

Gawker’s ‘Fox News Mole’ Reveals FNC Staffers ‘Blackballed’ as Conservative ‘Nuts’ by CNN

Joe Muto, the self-described “weasel,” “traitor” and “sell-out” who for a few days last week was the “Fox News Mole” for until FNC identified him, disclosed on CNN’s Reliable ...
Media Research Center

Wash Post's 'Conservative' Blogger Scolds Santorum to 'Stop Whining' About Media Double Standard

The Washington Post's faux-conservative blogger Jennifer Rubin lashed out at Republican presidential candidates on Sunday's Reliable Sources, telling them to "grow up." She ripped the candidates, ...
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