
Paul Krugman Takes on Bushie "Theocrats" and Their "Strategy of Infiltration"

Horrors! "But did you know that Rachel Paulose, the U.S. attorney in, according to a local news report, in the habit of quoting Bible verses in the office?"

Is the Times Afraid of Mitt Romney?

"And of his top eight donors, four....are Mormons who each gave more than $100,000."

Pro-Abortion Frances Kissling's "Love for the Church"

The retiring leader of Catholics for a Free Choice has a funny way of demonstrating it.

Theory of Evolution Criticized, WTC Attacked...Any Connection?

Dennis Overbye: "In [Sagan's] absence, the public discourse on his favorite issues...has not fared well. The teaching of evolution in public schools has become a bitter bone of contention...and of ...

ABC Hits Home Run with New Segment on Faith

Woman who refused an abortion and delivered a child conceived through rape is treated with sensitivity.

"The Bible Belt is the Loire Valley of American Extremism..."

TV critic Alessandra Stanley is off the leash.

Former NYT Reporter's New Book: "American Fascists - The Christian Right and the War on America."

Christopher Hedges, who reported for the Times for 15 years, thinks the Christian Right "should no longer be tolerated."

Times Unleashes a Huge Tax Attack on Christian Churches

Diana Henriques opines in the news section: "Precious as protecting religious freedom is, however, there are cases where these special breaks collide with other values important in this country - ...

In Government's Name: New York Times Bashes Religious Tax Exemptions

Four-day 'In God's Name' series argues churches cheat taxpayers and cities out of money.

The "Sadism" of Mel Gibson's "The Passion"

Nathan Lee on the new "Texas Chainsaw Massacre": "Like 'The Passion of the Christ,' it is an invitation to hard-core sadism."
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