Religious Liberty

Media Research Center

County Clerks Resign Nationwide After Gay Marriage Ruling

 From Mississippi to Tennessee, gov. officials are resigning to follow their faith.
Media Research Center

FRC Plans #HobbyLobby Day March 29

Family Research Council urges Americans to stand with Christian crafts store.
Media Research Center

CNN Touts Obama's 'Very Moving' Religious Liberty Speech; Omits ObamaCare Mandate Dispute

Thursday's 9 AM EST edition of CNN Newsroom spotlighted how President Obama "called for promoting religious freedom – quote, 'a key part of U.S. foreign policy," at the annual National Prayer ...
Media Research Center

Gay Rights Movement Threatens Businesses

Venues, bakers and florists on receiving end of hate, harassment and lawsuits for holding to religious convictions; networks say little.
Media Research Center

Shameless Bias By Omission

Ignoring the massive Catholic lawsuit against Team Obama was a deliberate and insidious choice to protect the “Chosen One” who ABC, CBS and NBC worked so hard to elect.
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