
Media Research Center

‘Rent is Too Damn High’ Guy Runs for NY Mayor, Bashes Economic Recovery

New rap anthem video says ‘Bloomberg has failed.’

Seedy "Rent" for High Schoolers? Sure, Why Not

Patrick Healy's story featuring the heroic Ron Martin, high school drama teacher extraordinaire: "This is the first time I've chosen a show for the high school because I had an agenda. In this ...

$2,500 Richer, But Renter Still A Foreclosure Victim

'Evening News' reports on family paid to leave, but that gripes about having to move.

ABC 'World News' Uses Questionable Data in Home Foreclosure Story

Report states foreclosures up 90 percent, although source admits its own foreclosure data is susceptible to error.

Post's Version of 'Rent' Complains about Cost

Tenants who don't want to pay are focus of story on government control of market.
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