
What Did Rahm Emanuel Know about Foley Emails? The Times Doesn't Care

Jeff Zeleny, former Chicago Tribune reporter, shows no interest in Chicago-based Rep. Rahm Emanuel's possible knowledge of the notorious Marc Foley emails to a page a year before they were made ...

"People Like These" Love Dick Cheney

How in the world could anyone like Dick Cheney? The Times seems puzzled.

Marking the Death of Rep. Gerry Studds

The death of former liberal Rep. Gerry Studds' death garners respectful coverage from the Times. But the Times marked the death of conservative Rep. Helen Chenoweth-Hage rather differently.

GOP Only "Fashions Itself" as the Party of Lincoln?

Mark Leibovich: "Even though the G.O.P. fashions itself as 'the party of Lincoln' and a promoter of tolerance, it is perceived as hostile by many gay men and lesbians."

"The Ethicist" Links Mark Foley to Bush's "Profound Assault...on Democracy Itself"

Columnist Randy Cohen, on CNN to talk about Foley: "...this, it seems to me, is a part of a larger pattern of the administration's habit of secrecy, of cover-ups. We see other example in Bob ...

G.O.P. Chances of Keeping Control "Undermined" by Foley

"....a controversy that seems to have undermined its chances of keeping control of Congress on Election Day."

Double Standards on Sex Scandals: Foley vs. Studds

A missed opportunity to point out Democratic hypocrisy.

Rep. Foley Scandal Makes Hypocrites Out of G.O.P. Congress?

Sharpening up a pro-Democrat political point, reporter Raymond Hernandez paints helpless Democrats under hard attack by hypocritical Republicans.

Congressional Republicans "Rocked By" Rep. Mark Foley

The Times finds its latest Republican-majority killing silver bullet and twice conflates two sets of emails to make House Majority Leader Hastert look bad.
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