The New York Times laughably says Hillary Clinton's "toughest foe" in 2016 will be the news media, even as CBS anchor Scott Pelley scoffs at the "hyperventilating" over the ex-Secretary of State's ...
A new study by the Media Research Center has found ABC, CBS and NBC gave three times more coverage to critics of the GOP letter than to supporters, and more than eight times as much airtime ...
As they do every election year, journalists instruct the GOP to ignore conservatives if they want to have any hope of winning, while others in the media seize on the measles outbreak to slam ...
Appearing on PBS's Charlie Rose Tuesday night following President Obama's State of the Union address, Bloomberg View columnist Al Hunt praised it as "one of the best speeches of his presidency" ...
In a softball interview with Joe Biden on Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer fretted over there being "more tension than normal" during Tuesday's State of the Union address and slammed GOP ...
On Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer actually grilled White House chief of staff Denis McDonough on President Obama's tax hike proposal: "During the President's last press conference of ...
At the top of NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday, moderator Chuck Todd wondered if a Republican rising star could overcome a major obstacle that has occurred "year after year" for the GOP: "Can Iowa's ...
On Sunday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Lester Holt touted how President Obama's plan to "propose tax hikes for wealthiest Americans" during Tuesday's State of the Union address would be "potentially ...
In an interview with newly elected Colorado Senator Cory Gardner for PBS's Charlie Rose, Bloomberg View columnist Al Hunt grilled the Republican on conservatives in Congress being obstructionist: ...
Appearing on Wednesday's NBC Today to promote his new film Birdman, actor Michael Keaton oddly started by taking a jab at the new Republican Senate Majority Leader: "...let me just read something. ...