
CBS Frets Over Obama's Liberal Base Being Upset By Possible Tax Deal

On Friday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith discussed a potential deal between the Obama administration and House Republicans on maintaining current tax rates, declaring: "The Democrats are ' ...

'Renewed Partisan Fury' Unleashed by GOP on Capitol Hill

Republicans are already killing compromise on Capitol Hill: "Not even 24 hours after President Obama met with senior Republican Congressional leaders and expressed hopes for a 'new dialogue,' ...

A Worried George Stephanopoulos Pushes for Republican Compromise, Hits GOP Rep's 'Double Standard'

A worried George Stephanopoulos on Thursday again pushed for Republicans to accept some sort of Democratic compromise on extending unemployment benefits and the Bush tax cuts. The Good Morning ...

CNN's Spitzer: 'Every One of Us is Being Held Hostage' By Senate GOP

CNN's Eliot Spitzer blasted Senate Republicans on Wednesday's Parker-Spitzer for their promise to hold up legislation unless the current tax rates are extended: "Every one of us...[is] being held ...

ABC Disguises Democratic Activist as Victim of Mean-Spirited GOP

ABC's Claire Shipman on Thursday tried to disguise a Democratic activist as just a jobless American who would be hurt by Republican failure to extend unemployment benefits. Shipman sympathetically ...

Former Governor Spitzer: Too Many 2012 Republican Contenders at Fox

On Tuesday's Parker-Spitzer on CNN, ex-Governor Eliot Spitzer ironically worried that too many of his fellow former politicians, who are also contenders for the 2012 Republican presidential ...

Gay Rights Activist/MSNBC Anchor Contessa Brewer: Support for DADT 'Doesn't Make A Lot of Sense'

During Wednesday's 12PM ET hour on MSNBC, anchor Contessa Brewer attacked those who want to maintain the military's 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy: "...the Marine Corps and Catholic chaplains, who ...

MSNBC Anchor Labels Rep. Steve King a 'Radical Right-Winger' Before Interviewing Him

On Tuesday, MSNBC anchor Chris Jansing labeled Rep. Steve King (R) of Iowa "one of the most radical right-wingers in Congress" during the segment immediately before she interviewed him. Nothing ...

CBS Issues 'Gridlock Alert,' Warns That GOP 'Put A Halt on Cooperating'

At the top of Wednesday's CBS Early Show, fill-in co-host Erica Hill fretted over Republicans pledging to focus solely on economic issues in the lame duck session of Congress: "Gridlock alert. ...

CBS's Plante Chides: Republicans 'In No Mood to Compromise' with Obama

On Tuesday's CBS Early Show, senior White House correspondent Bill Plante scolded Republicans for not being willing to work with Democrats in an upcoming White House meeting: "President Obama made ...
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