
GOP to Blame for Obama's Lousy Economy, Says Former Reporter

Blame Republicans for Obama's stalled-out economy, says former reporter Timothy Egan: "The Republican governing philosophy of a criminal deregulatory environment drove the economy into a ditch. ...

Fact Checking ABC's This Week: Most 'False' Statements Uttered by Democrats

Back in April, as ABC's Jake Tapper took over as interim host of This Week, the show asked the fact-checkers at PolitiFact to evaluate the truthfulness of statements made on the show. The results ...

Mother Jones' Corn Says BP Oil Spill Great for Democrats

Liberal magazine reporter explains portraying GOP as pro-BP will score Dems electoral points

ABC's Tapper: White House Hails A 'Good Week' After 'Gift' From Joe Barton

On Friday's Good Morning America on ABC, White House correspondent Jake Tapper described White House reaction to Republican Congressman Joe Barton calling BP's $20 billion escrow fund the result ...

Politico's Roger Simon: Obama 'Calling Out' Bobby Jindal's 'Hypocrisy'

Appearing on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports on Tuesday, Politico columnist Roger Simon described a recent interview with President Obama: "...he showed a genuine irritation....when people like ...

Columnist: GOP Women Won 'While Espousing Far-Right, Far-Out Ideas'

Columnist Peter Applebome, not so cheerful about Republican women winning big last Tuesday: "Last week's primaries were a great moment for women in American politics, an inspiring reminder that ...

Matt Bai Raises the Bar for G.O.P. Success; Election Already 'Mightily Out of Control'

Matt Bai is already predicting recriminations if the G.O.P. fails to win the House or Senate because of Tea Party activism, and a front-page teaser claimed: "Some critics are already asking ...

Editor Tina Brown Slams Female GOP Primary Winners: These 'Wingnuts' Are a 'Blow to Feminism'

Former New Yorker editor Tina Brown appeared on Thursday's Good Morning America to deride the mostly Republican women who won primaries on Tuesday as "wingnuts" and to sneer that they represent a ...

Nagourney Finds Yet More Reasons for GOP to Worry, This Time in California

Chief political reporter Adam Nagourney moves to the West Coast but remembered to pack his bias, finding the bad side of California Republican Party candidates being on the strong side of a ...

NYT Sees GOP's Special Election Loss as Harbinger for November

The Times continued to use its front-page real estate to trumpet last week's G.O.P.'s loss in a special House election in Pennsylvania as a warning sign for the 2010 elections, even though the ...
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