10/14/2011 2:53 PM ET
During promotion of his new film "The Way," the actor admits, " Theres a lot of violence, casual sex things that make me uncomfortable watching and Im not interested in perpetuating that message."
5/13/2009 4:33 PM ET
America is rapidly becoming a country without individual responsibility.
2/6/2008 2:38 PM ET
Media using extreme cases as examples of how bad the economy is for 'average Americans.'
12/6/2007 7:21 PM ET
Compiled by the Business and Media Institute
11/14/2007 4:37 PM ET
The conflict between the media, personal responsibility and respect for religion.
11/14/2007 4:33 PM ET
The conflict between the media, personal responsibility and respect for religion.
11/8/2007 7:11 PM ET
Who$ responsible? Networks blame business, not borrowers, for Americas spendthrift ways
8/6/2007 1:00 AM ET
ABC asks tough questions about drug abuse, but not about marrying the father of her child.
12/13/2004 10:58 PM ET
Big Media Continue Skewing Obesity Debate (May-October 2004)