
'GMA' Adores the Tax-the-Rich Populism of Warren Buffett

Nation's second-richest man is beloved by journalists for his class warfare rhetoric when it comes to 'taxes and fairness.'

Brokaw and Buffett: The Rich Don't Pay Enough

World's third-richest man insists he and other wealthy people aren't paying their fair share when it comes to taxes.

Hillary's Social Security Solution: Stop Funding 'Tax Cuts for the Wealthy and the War in Iraq'

Democratic presidential candidate Clinton already proposed rolling back Bush tax cuts to fund her health care proposal.

Bad Company III

For American Businessmen in the News, the Defense Never Rests

NY Times: Charity is Bad - It's Better to Give Your Money to Gov't

Article criticizes private philanthropy, asserting that it messes with the government's redistribution of wealth.

In Financial Times Interview, Barney Frank Says Business and Government Should 'Help' Each Other

Democratic House financial services committee chairman pushes for economic 'equity' over freedom and prosperity.

NY Times: Poverty's a Huge Issue, Though We're Better Off Than Ever; Wealth Redistribution is Centrist Policy

NY Times Magazine devotes 21,000 words to warped economic perspective.

CNN's Roberts: Obama's $162,100 Senate salary 'modest'

Perhaps anchor should announce his earnings along with candidate's reported income.

'Desperately Underpaid' Media Attack Another Oil Company Executive

Big pay depicted as a union issue on CNN, but reality shows CEO's stock options earned over 10-year period.

Richer People 'Good News' If They Are Women

ABC and NBC stay positive about the increasing number of female billionaires, despite previous anti-rich slant.
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