
John McCain's Pro-War Stance on Iraq? Blame Nixon

A puzzling little piece goes after former POW John McCain for having the bad taste to praise Richard Nixon for improving the condition of POWs in North Vietnamese prison camps.

Chief Book Critic Raves Over Liberals in Year-End List

Four out of 6 of Michiko Kakutani's favorite non-fiction books come from liberals.

Suddenly, Iraq Isn't Like Vietnam

Not when Bush makes the comparison to defend the war.

The Times Pummels Hillary Clinton Bio by Its Own Reporters - Again

Whatever happened to old-fashioned journalistic back-scratching? The Times again reviews two recent Hillary bios, and again its guest critic prefers one by former Washington Post Watergate legend ...

Book Critic Trashes Hillary Bio By the Times' Own Reporters

Robert Dallek, a popular Times' source for Republican-bashing, can also defend Democrats: "The book is almost uniformly negative and overly focused on what they consider the Clintons' scandalous ...

Vietnam, Always Handy

"The president wants to be like Truman. Some historians think he may be more like L.B.J."
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