
ABC Forecasts Doom for GOP Candidates: Can Cain 'Survive?' Is Romney 'on the Ropes?'

Good Morning America's reporters and hosts on Thursday continued to hype their own impact in the Herman Cain scandal. Co-anchor Robin Roberts gloated that Cain is "under a lot of pressure right ...

GMA's Robin Roberts Bashes ABC's Tabloid Obsession: 'I Don't Want to Sell My Soul'

Good Morning America co-host Robin Roberts bashed her own network, Monday, decrying GMA's obsession with tabloid stories. In a Daily Beast article, she lamented, "I'll be honest, it's been an ...

ABC Turns to the Photoshopping, GOP-Smearing Tina Brown as an Expert on the 'Amorality' of Murdoch

Newsweek editor Tina Brown, who last week smeared the Republican Party as "suicide bombers," was featured as a guest on Tuesday's Good Morning America to slam the "amorality" of Rupert Murdoch. ...

Robin Roberts Fawns Over Michelle Obama: Will You Attend Prince William's Wedding?

Good Morning America's Robin Roberts conducted yet another fawning interview with Michelle Obama on Friday, offering 11 minutes and two segments to such important topics as whether the First Lady ...

ABC Offers Skeptical Take on New Republicans Who are 'Whipping Out' Their Pocket Constitutions

Good Morning America's Robin Roberts on Wednesday offered a doubting take on whether or not the newly elected Republicans in Congress would be able to keep their promises. She skeptically ...

Nets Bolster Accusers of Christine O'Donnell, Ignore Liberal Nature of Watchdog CREW

As the broadcast network morning newscasts on Thursday each interviewed former Delaware Republican Senate nominee Christine O'Donnell regarding allegations that she misused campaign money, in the ...

ABC Pushes Gun Control Documentary, Absurdly Touts Work of the Brady Campaign as 'Not Anti-Gun'

According to Good Morning America's Robin Roberts on Monday, the efforts of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence aren't "anti-gun." The morning show co-host interviewed Colin Goddard, the ...

Robin Roberts Grills Carly Fiorina on 'Too Extreme' Sarah Palin

Apparently one of the most pressing issues in the California senatorial race is whether or not Sarah Palin is "too extreme." Good Morning America's Robin Roberts on Friday pressed Carly Fiorina ...

ABC Promotes Nation Attack on 'American Hypocrite' Lou Dobbs, Skips ID of Lefty Magazine

Good Morning America on Friday promoted an attack piece by the liberal magazine The Nation against Lou Dobbs. In the two segments devoted to whether or not the populist host hired illegal ...

CBS and ABC Wish Obama Happy Birthday: Still 'Full of Energy,' But Feeling 'Weight of the Presidency'

Playing Stevie Wonder's version of 'Happy Birthday' at the end of Wednesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Erica Hill reported: "The Obamas, of course, big Stevie Wonder fans. And President Obama, 49 ...
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