
Roland Martin Dismisses Bachmann-Newsweek Outrage: 'Get Real'

Even liberal comedian John Stewart thought Newsweek went too far with its Michele Bachmann cover page, but CNN analyst Roland Martin sees no story here. Martin is blunt with "angry conservatives, ...

Roland Martin Doesn't Call Out DNC Chair for Linking GOP-Backed Voting Requirements with Jim Crow Laws

CNN analyst Roland Martin simply allowed DNC Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to say what she wanted about Republicans on his Sunday show Washington Watch, on TVOne.

Roland Martin Unleashes on 'Right-Wing Blowhard' Limbaugh on TV One

CNN's Roland Martin went on a tirade against Rush Limbaugh on his "Washington Watch" program on TV One on Sunday, labeling the conservative talker a "right-wing blowhard" and "absolute idiot" for ...

Roland Martin on CNN: Sarah Palin is the 'Kim Kardashian of Politics'

Roland Martin brought his full-blown Palin Derangement Syndrome to Friday's Anderson Cooper 360, labeling the former Alaska governor "the Kim Kardashian of politics." Martin continued that Palin ...

CNN's Gergen: Obama is 'Impressive,' But Press Conference Was 'Boring'

CNN's David Gergen gushed over Barack Obama during CNN's coverage of the President's press conference on Friday, but was unimpressed by his performance: "He impresses everyone with his ...

Roland Martin to Dems: 'Protect the Constitution' By Supporting Mosque

On Tuesday's Anderson Cooper 360, CNN contributor Roland Martin strongly pushed for the Democrats to "stand up and protect the Constitution" by defending the planned New York City mosque near ...

CNN's Rick Sanchez: Bringing the Bias to Prime Time

Rick Sanchez, who hosts his Rick's List program for two hours during the afternoon on CNN, will be taking on the network's 8 pm Eastern hour slot for several weeks between Campbell Brown's ...

Rick Sanchez & Roland Martin Slam Limbaugh, Beck as Illegitimate, 'Racist'

CNN's Rick Sanchez returned to attacking conservative talk radio on Wednesday's Rick's List program, lamenting that "a lot of people in this country...think that Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are ...

Media: Confederate History Month Proof of Conservative Racism

MSNBC and CNN fan accusatory flames

ObamaCare Opponents 'Probably Can't Spell Communism and Socialism' Says CNN's Roland Martin

Network's political analyst takes cheap shot at critics who claim Democratic health care reform measures are not free-market approaches.
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