
Media Research Center

Kochs Open Up to Forbes: ‘We Get Death Threats ...’

Forbes magazine reveals side of the Kochs most media ignore including business philosophy, being targets of left, and philanthropy.
Media Research Center

4 Out of 5 Investors Say Romney Presidency Would Be Better for Market, Economy

Barron’s: Despite left’s predications of end of world if GOP candidate wins, investors hopeful new prez could turn things around.
Media Research Center

Left-Wing Salon Writer Blames Romney for Deadly Meningitis Outbreak

Article links disease to presidential candidate’s Massachusetts governorship.
Media Research Center

ABC, NBC Enable Obama's Libya Lie, Day 3

According to the Media Research Center, both ABC and NBC continue to cover up President Obama’s lie about Libya during Tuesday night’s debate. In fact, neither network covered Libya at all during ...
Media Research Center

Tough Times on Subsidy Street

Media Research Center

Pop Has-Beens Attack Romney for 30-yr-old Dog Incident

1980s Novelty band Devo to release a song for Seamus.
Media Research Center

Horsing Around: Networks Cover Romney’s Horse Twice Kerry’s Windsurfing

Media continue theme that GOP presidential candidate out of touch because of wealth.
Media Research Center

Businessweek Cover Mocks Mormons

Magazine joins the anti-Romney effort by examining LDS’ ‘sprawling corporate empire.’
Media Research Center

Networks Target Romney’s Wealth 13 Times More Than Richer Sen. Kerry

2004 Democratic candidate married to Heinz heiress, far wealthier than his 2012 counterpart.
Media Research Center

NBC Rips GOP Budget: "Where Is the Empathy?"

NBC falsely suggests House Republicans have proposed huge “cuts” in Medicare, Medicaid and other health programs, when spending would actually increase over the next 10 years in all of those ...
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