
New York Times Barely Touches Reagan's 100th; Unflattering When It Does

Not exactly a commemoration: The New York Times' sparse coverage of Ronald Reagan's centennial is highlighted by a friendly interview with a Reagan-hostile HBO documentary filmmaker and a column ...

HBO Filmmaker Slams Reagan: His Policies Hurt Those He Sought to Help

Those who admired Ronald Reagan may want to steer clear of the HBO documentary on the former president if that film's director's comments, on Monday's Hardball, are an indication of how slanted ...

Anti-Reagan Media Now Lecturing Conservatives on 'Appropriating' His Legacy, ABC Mocks 'Church of Reagan'

Ronald Reagan endured harsh, vitriolic rhetoric from journalists throughout his career, but that hasn't stopped some in the media from lecturing present-day conservatives on who best represents ...

The Times Barely Touches Reagan's 100th; Unflattering When It Does

Not exactly a commemoration: The Times' sparse coverage is highlighted by a friendly interview with a Reagan-hostile HBO documentary filmmaker and a column from Reagan's liberal biographer Edmund ...

PBS's Meacham: Why 'Lionize' Reagan Who 'Treated the Poor Poorly'?

On Friday's Need to Know program on PBS, co-host Jon Meacham - formerly of Newsweek - seemed to agree with HBO filmmaker Eugene Jarecki's characterization of former President Ronald Reagan as ...

Bozell Column: The Media Never Loved Reagan

Now that America's celebrating Ronald Reagan's 100th birthday, the media find him useful - to rub the Reagan magic all over a floundering Obama.

All Three Networks Agree: Obama Sounded 'Reaganesque' in State of the Union

During coverage of President Obama's State of the Union address Tuesday night, all three broadcast networks, CBS, NBC and ABC, managed to compare the tone of the speech to that of Ronald Reagan. ...

Amanpour Hails Obama as 'Reaganesque' But Contended Tea Party Too 'Extreme' for Reagan

ABC's Christiane Amanpour hailed President Obama's State of the Union address as "very Reaganesque," but in October, holding herself up as some kind of protector of Reagan's legacy, she feigned ...

ABC's Bianna Golodryga Encourages the Liberal Ron Reagan to Play Psychic, Channel His Father

Good Morning America on Sunday continued to hype the very liberal Ron Reagan and the claims in his new book that his father showed early signs of Alzheimer's while in the White House. The network ...
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