
Uncritical Condition

Network news fails to examine high cost and proven failures of government-run health care

CNBC's Burnett Gives Schumer Free Pass on IndyMac Bank Run

'Street Signs' host claims senior senator from New York 'wishes he was powerful enough as being able to cause a run on a bank.'

Media Feed Hysteria over Indymac Failure

ABC and CBS play up run on the bank, warning of more closings.

ABC: Bank Failure Evokes 'People Stuffing Their Mattresses' Like the Depression

ABC, NBC morning shows give some perspective but still feed hysteria on bank closing.

The Great Media Depression

News reports depict economy far worse now than during the 1929 stock market crash

The Medias Top 10 Economic Myths of 2007: Executive Summary

Compiled by the Business & Media Institute

Bad Company III

For American Businessmen in the News, the Defense Never Rests

Summer Rerun

Global Warming Movie Makes the Media Hot for Al Gore All Over Again
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