Rupert Murdoch

Media Research Center

Liberal Journalists, Celebs Attack Rupert Murdoch’s Offer to Buy Time Warner

Worst attacks include jokes about Murdoch being the ‘date rapist of media barons,’ news site shares song parody about him dying.
Media Research Center

Conservatives Shouldn't Own Newspapers?

Liberals define newspapers by ideological standards: "news" must be anti-Tea Party, anti-Big Oil, and pro-union. Conservatives shouldn't own them.
Media Research Center

Murdoch's KGB-Friendly Series

FX’s “The Americans” will be told from the Soviet perspective: “We’re making them the sympathetic characters. I’d go so far as to say they’re the heroes.”
Media Research Center

NYT Still Ignoring CEO Mark Thompson Controversy: What Did He Know About Child Sex Abuse and When?

The New York Times ran two stories on the same page of Thursday's International section that touched on long-running sex-and-media scandals. But there's one the paper is ignoring that hits ...
Media Research Center

Keeping Tabs on Mark Thompson, the New York Times Co.'s Controversial New CEO

What did Mark Thompson, the new NYT Co. chief executive, know about the pedophilia scandal and coverup involving host Jimmy Savile that occurred while Thompson was head of the BBC? And will the ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Turns Up Heat on New Chief Executive Mark Thompson -- With Caveats

The paper's slow-boil coverage of an internal controversy has yet to match the front-page intensity it brought to its "damning" reporting on phone hacking by newspapers owned by Rupert Murdoch, ...
Media Research Center

The Hiring Hypocrisy At The New York Times

The New York Times finds it implausible that a Pope, or a GOP president, or a Murdoch could ever be unaware of grave scandals beneath them. So its hiring of Mark Thompson is corporate hypocrisy.
Media Research Center

Fox News, 'America's Poison'?

A top editor at The New York Times proclaimed Fox News is "America's Poison" and has a "toxic legacy" because it....fails to admit it reports the news with a bias!
Media Research Center

NYT's Keller: Fox News is 'Murdoch’s Most Toxic Legacy'

Former New York Times executive editor Bill Keller continues to attack a conservative rival: "And yet I would argue that -- at least for Americans -- Fox News is Murdoch’s most toxic ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Keller: Fox News is 'Murdoch’s Most Toxic Legacy'

Former New York Times executive editor Bill Keller continues to attack a conservative rival: "And yet I would argue that -- at least for Americans -- Fox News is Murdoch’s most toxic legacy....My ...
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