
The NYT's Unlikely Savior

What media mogul Rupert Murdoch wants, Rupert Murdoch gets? A Vanity Fair writer can picture it happening.

Rupert Murdoch Still Frightening the Times

Scary stuff indeed: "Rupert Murdoch is moving to tighten his already-imposing grip on American news media..."

Howell Raines on Rupert Murdoch's "Very Dangerous Trends"

Former Executive Editor Howell Raines: "As Murdoch becomes more and more successful with stocks, in politicizing the kind of journalism that is considered normal in this country, I think both of ...

NYT Editor to Staff: Happy Valentine's Day! Job Cuts Coming to Newsroom

Financial difficulties, a long presidential campaign, and Rupert Murdoch's beefed-up Wall Street Journal are all putting a strain on the Times' finances.

Murdoch Purchase of Journal Is about Stocks not Bonds

News Corp. purchase of Dow Jones shows owner is savvier than competition or critics.

New York Times Gives Comfort to Wall Street Journal Reporters Worried about Murdoch Takeover

Liberal journalists seem to fear losing their safe sanctuary for bias.

Passing Along Anti-Murdoch Zingers from the Wall Street Journal

The Times dreads the prospect of Rupert Murdoch taking over its rival.

Hit Piece on Rupert Murdoch Fizzles

"What worries his critics is that Mr. Murdoch will use The yet another tool to further his myriad financial and political agendas." Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. would never ...

Pot Meets Kettle, Again: Times on "Right-Wing" Fox News

"...the Fox News Channel and The New York Post, known for their right-wing political bent and racy tone." Meanwhile, the Times' left-wing political bent goes unacknowledged.
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