Rush Limbaugh

Media Research Center

First Amendment Fun

Media Research Center

On NBC's Today, Donny Deutsch Demands All Limbaugh Advertisers Pull Out, 'They Have No Choice'

During the weekly left-wing panel discussion on Tuesday's NBC Today, advertising executive Donny Deutsch announced: "The advertisers that are still on [sponsoring Limbaugh's radio show] are ...
Media Research Center

Bozell Letter to Piers Morgan of CNN: Coverage of Limbaugh Apology is a Double Standard

I am disturbed by your ongoing double standard when it comes to coverage of political rhetoric. On your show, you recently called Rush Limbaugh out for his insulting comment about a Georgetown ...
Media Research Center

ABC Scolds GOP Candidates as ‘Cowards’ for Inadequately Rebuking Limbaugh: ‘Not Exactly Profiles in Courage’

ABC on Monday night rebuked the Republican presidential field for not adequately condemning Rush Limbaugh for his “slut” characterization of Sandra Fluke, for which he apologized on his Monday ...
Media Research Center

NBC Reporter Warns Obama Call to Fluke an 'Overreach' and 'Nakedly Political'

On Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, after the panel roundly bashed Rush Limbaugh and Republicans for not denouncing him enough, correspondent Savannah Guthrie surprisingly criticized President ...
Media Research Center

CBS's Rose: Have GOP Leaders 'Gone Far Enough in Condemning' Rush?

On Monday's CBS This Morning, Charlie Rose hinted that Republicans needed to go further in decrying Rush Limbaugh's slam of radical feminist and law student Sandra Fluke. Rose asked Senator John ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Gregory: GOP Shouldn't Question 'Settled Matter' of Birth Control; Limbaugh Comments 'Gift' to Dems

Appearing on Saturday's NBC Nightly News, Meet the Press host David Gregory argued that the issue of contraception was a loser for the GOP: "I think there are a lot of Republicans who are ...
Media Research Center

Maureen Dowd Tackles Brutal Limbaugh, Santorum's 'Medieval' View of Women

And Dowd has always been so nice to Rush in her own columns: "As a woman who has been viciously slashed by Rush Limbaugh, I can tell you, it’s no fun." And Virginia's new ultrasound abortion ...
Media Research Center

NBC Brings On Al Sharpton to Slam 'Offensive and Misogynist' Limbaugh; Ignores Reverend's Offensive Past

On Saturday, NBC's Today actually had the nerve to give left-wing activist and MSNBC host Al Sharpton a platform to condemn Rush Limbaugh, with co-host Amy Robach wondering: " this ...
Media Research Center

ABC Berates GOP Candidates for 'Equivocating' and Not Condemning Rush Harshly Enough

Journalists on Monday's Good Morning America chided the Republican presidential candidates for "equivocating" and not strongly condemning Rush Limbaugh's comments about Sandra Fluke. Analyst ...
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