
The "Cruel Theater," "Abusive Conduct" of Saddam's Execution

And a Slate columnist "couldn't help but pick up on the distinct strain of grudging admiration that ran through the NYT's coverage of Hussein's trip to the gallows."

More on Hezbollah's "Vast Social Services Network"

It's a wonder there's any Iranian money left over for killing Israelis, giving the group's generosity - as the Times portrays it, anyway.

More on Hezbollah's "Vast Social Services Network"

It's a wonder there's any Iranian money left over for killing Israelis, giving the group's generosity - as the Times portrays it, anyway.

Humanizing Hezbollah

Don't call them a terrorist group - it's an "organized militia."

Civilian Deaths in Lebanon: Good Story, Lousy Headline

For "Fog of War," substitute "Civilian Populace."
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