Sally Kohn

Media Research Center

Sally Kohn: ‘I Want My Daughter to Copy the Caitlyn Jenner Model of Femininity’

Parents should encourage kids to ‘Be more like Caitlyn Jenner.’
Media Research Center

CNN Plays Up 'Tough Year' for Obama White House in Wake of Supreme Court Rulings

On Monday's This Hour, CNN's John Berman underlined that the Supreme Court's ruling against the Obama administration's contraceptive mandate was "another setback to the administration, in what has ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Pereira, Stelter Cheer Left-Wing Activists That Pushed Out Commencement Speakers

On Monday's noontime EDT This Hour, CNN's Michaela Pereira acted as an apologist for the student and/or faculty-led protests in recent weeks that forced out several high-profile speakers from ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Jensen Finds Another Left-Wing Hero to Gush Over: Sally Kohn of Fame

Times reporter Elizabeth Jensen profiles yet another left-wing hero: "...[Sally] Kohn, who also writes for and posts on Twitter constantly, won national attention with her ...
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