6/1/2015 8:46 AM ET
‘Growing chorus’ of scientists say salt in diet is beneficial, contrary to federal guidelines.
6/1/2010 5:04 PM ET
Newspaper leads with salt's 'ill effects on the nation's health,' buries study about portion control.
4/21/2010 12:59 PM ET
At the top of Wednesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez proclaimed: "the truth about salt, why a new report wants the government to take salt off the table." She later introduced a ...
5/12/2009 8:50 AM ET
Evening newscasts push Center for Science in the Public Interest study about killer salt, downplay individual responbility for food choices.
11/29/2007 2:43 PM ET
'Salt trumps fat' in 'Evening News' coverage on the eve of FDA hearings to decide whether salt should be regulated as a food additive.
9/28/2006 11:05 AM ET
Network news ignored or downplayed criticism of New York City's proposed food regulation.
9/14/2006 3:55 AM ET
A Times business reporter again takes dictation from the left-wing food police
9/13/2006 12:48 PM ET
Reporter who slammed McDonald's Happy Meals and beer ads turns attention to sodium content in food.
7/12/2006 3:35 PM ET
The Center for Science in the Public Interest, which once campaigned for trans fats, now sues against them.