Sam Tanenhaus

Media Research Center

National Review Eviscerates Racist Smears of Conservatives by NY Times Book Editor Tanenhaus

National Review magazine has published a comprehensive response to New York Times Book Editor Sam Tanenhaus's dishonest smear of conservative thought in a cover story for The New Republic. ...
Media Research Center

National Review Eviscerates Racist Smears of Conservatives by NYT Book Editor Tanenhaus

National Review magazine has published a comprehensive response to New York Times Book Editor Sam Tanenhaus's dishonest smear of conservative thought in a cover story for The New Republic. ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Book Review Editor Sam Tanenhaus Goes to Liberal Outlets, Plays Race Card on GOP

Times Book Review editor Sam Tanenhaus keeps going to liberal outlets and playing the race card against the GOP: "Republicans looked pretty good on civil rights under Eisenhower. We had the ...
Media Research Center

Conservatism, Killing the GOP?

The liberal media insist conservative "core principles" will cause the Republicans to "cease to be a national party." They're really seeking to remove all obstacles for Obama.
Media Research Center

New York Times Alleged 'Conservative' Tanenhaus Cowardly Links GOP to Racism in Story for Liberal Mag

Times Book Review editor Sam Tanenhaus cowardly links the GOP to racism: "Character, he presumably meant, like that exhibited by Republican delegates in Tampa, who thrilled to the refrain 'We ...
Media Research Center

Classy Krugman: NYT Book Review Editor Sam Tanenhaus 'Very Much a Neocon' for Running Mild Criticism Of His New Book

Times columnist Paul Krugman displayed his usual class and charm in a speech to the left-wing Netroots Nation on Saturday morning, calling Times Book Review editor Sam Tanenhaus "very much a ...
Media Research Center

Smugfest: NYT Editor Tanenhaus, Joe Klein Tag-Team to Condescendingly Rip Jonah Goldberg's Book

Journalist Joe "flaming moderate" Klein pronounced himself offended by "radical Republican" Jonah Goldberg's new book The Tyranny of Cliches, arguing that "liberals stopped being statists a long ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Assigns Condescending Hit Piece on Jonah Goldberg's 'Infantile' Book to Liberal Journo Joe Klein

The paper got what it paid for: Time Magazine's self-proclaimed "raging moderate" Joe Klein pans Jonah Goldberg's latest book in the New York Times. Goldberg responds point by point, in withering ...
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