8/5/2010 3:55 PM ET
While Thursday reports on both ABC's Good Morning America and NBC's Today featured Proposition 8 supporters questioning the impartiality of California Federal Judge Vaughn Walker's decision to ...
8/5/2010 12:00 AM ET
Terry Moran celebrates 'string of victories' in court for same-sex marriage advocates.
7/15/2010 12:00 AM ET
Reuters celebrates legalization with lopsided report.
7/9/2010 12:00 AM ET
'Today' declares itself an 'ally' of the homosexual community.
2/17/2010 1:00 AM ET
McCain claims to be 'in love' with the GOP and tries to tear it away from conservatives every chance she gets.
12/30/2009 1:00 AM ET
MSNBC host and proponent of gay marriage tries to use former Bush administration official's personal life to score political points.
9/16/2009 12:00 AM ET
ABC, CBS and NBC continue pattern of whitewashing gay issues.
5/13/2009 12:00 AM ET
Nightly news programs fail to cover liberal definitions of marriage.
5/6/2009 12:00 AM ET
Inflammatory MSNBC reporter lectures Joe the Plumber on accepting others.
5/1/2009 12:00 AM ET
MSNBC host turns interview into shouting match about Miss California controversy.