
Euro-Philic NYT Paints 'Isolated' Britain As 'Big Loser' in Battle Over EU Accord

Despite the wrecked economies of Europe, there's little euro-skepticism among Times reporters: "The big loser in Brussels was Britain...[British PM David] Cameron was perceived as having made a ...

Thatcher-Hostile Reporter Sarah Lyall Takes Arbitrary Swipe at Ronald Reagan

Where did that come from? In a discussion on a suspicious anecdote in Tony Blair's memoirs, reporter Sarah Lyall writes: "[Peter] Morgan told The Daily Telegraph, perhaps Mr. Blair 'had one gin ...

From Krugman's Column to the Front Page: Ireland's 'Austerity' Is Killing the Recovery

Liz Alderman wonders why Europe won't listen to Obama's wisdom: "The Group of 20 leaders [are] vowing to make deficit reduction the top priority despite warnings from President Obama that too much ...

More Bits of Anti-Conservative Bias from Sarah Lyall in London

"As the privileged son of a baronet and an important figure in the Conservative Party, which has traditionally been allied with wealth and elitism, [George Osborne also had to show that he ...

Thatcher's 'Callous Policies' for the 'Have-Nots' Continue With 'Grim Spoilsports' of British Conservatives Today

London correspondent Sarah Lyall: "In the eyes of many Britons, the Tories' traditional social elitism is tied to another form of elitism - what they perceive as the callous policies of the haves ...

Ireland's 'Harshest Budget' Leaves No One 'Unscathed,' Reads Alleged News Story

Sarah Lyall reacts badly to spending cuts in Dublin. Confiscatory tax hikes are far more palatable to the Times' liberal world view.

Britons vs. Conservative 'Distortions'?

In a one-sided news story, Times London reporter Sarah Lyall laments conservative "distortion" of Britain's National Health Service, after editorializing in favor of the NHS: "I applaud a system ...

The Goracle Speaks, and the World Finally Listens

Sarah Lyall: "He has said it again and again, with increasing urgency, to anyone who will listen. And on Monday, former Vice President Al Gore used the occasion of his 2007 Nobel Peace Prize ...

"Hardened" Tony Blair Deaf To Muslim Marginalization in Britain

Sarah Lyall plays the race card: "If such statements appealed to traditional, white Britain, which already felt that multiculturalism had gone too far, thank you very much, it made Muslims feel ...
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