Picking up the Democratic line that her MSNBC colleagues started repeating yesterday, NBC's Ann Curry, on Thursday's Today show, continually harangued Senator John McCain about Republican ...
Congressional reporter Carl Hulse plays along with the Democrat exploitation of a few extremist protesters for political gain: "Still, the dark and personal tone of the final stages of the health ...
Late night talk show host and author Chelsea Handler was invited on Tuesday's Today show to plug her new book Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang and couldn't leave the show without taking a dig at earlier ...
On this past Tuesday's episode of The Good Wife on CBS, viewers were treated to a scene in which a ballistics expert opens a gift, from a partner of a law firm, to find a book about Sarah Palin ...
Bill Maher began and ended his Friday night HBO program with derogatory "jokes" based on the presumption Palin and her supporters are morons. He started by labeling her "a brain-dead woman" and ...
On Wednesday's Countdown, Keith Olbermann slammed Sarah Palin, Betsy McCaughey, and ObamaCare critics, especially those who have used the term "death panels," calling such national health care ...