CNN's New Day on Tuesday devoted a 23-second news brief to the death of author Joe McGinniss on Monday, noting that "McGinniss made headlines again in 2010, when he moved next door to Sarah ...
Introducing a gushing interview with HBO Girls star Lena Dunham aired on Friday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie eagerly proclaimed: "You know, to call her the voice of her generation might ...
Appearing on NBC's Today on Monday, New Yorker
magazine editor and former Washington Post Moscow correspondent David
Remnick fretted that the United States lacked the moral authority to ...
In a live interview with former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney on Friday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie grilled him on his interactions with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie: ...
On Tuesday, ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning newscasts all hyped the White House's announcement that President Obama's would meet with Pope Francis in March, and emphasized their apparent agreement on ...
ABC, CBS, and NBC all devoted air time to the Obama administration's latest "fix for the botched health care rollout" on their Friday morning newscasts, but failed to include any conservative or ...
After playing a clip of Saturday Night Live mocking President Obama's "embattled second term" on Monday's NBC Today,
co-host Savannah Guthrie sympathetically observed: "I guess if you're
at ...
On Friday, NBC's Today tried to cast President Obama's Thursday
press conference about the ObamaCare disaster in the most sympathetic
light possible, with co-host Savannah leading off the show ...
Appearing on Tuesday's NBC Today to hawk his new book, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough – whose own radio show was cancelled after a brief run in 2010 – proceeded to slam conservative talk radio hosts: ...
Promoting his new book about the 2012 election, Double Down, with co-author Mark Halperin on Monday's NBC Today, New York Magazine
national affairs editor John Heilemann offered Obama campaign ...