
Just Say No to State Bailouts

The government will not put itself on austerity, only the people can force it to.

Uncritical Condition

Network news fails to examine high cost and proven failures of government-run health care

The Media's Top 10 Worst Economic Myths of 2009

From jobs 'saved or created,' to stimulus saving the economy, to 'deficit neutral' health care reform; here are ten biggest stories the media got wrong this year.

ABC Warns of Credit Card 'Addiction'

Extreme borrower scenarios on 'Good Morning America' paint picture of credit card users struggling 'to make ends meet.'

ABC Anchors Bike to Work, Man Sings Protest Song about Gas Prices

'Good Morning America' report features individual who saved an average of $7 a day riding a bicycle and protestor singing on the roof of a gas station to respond to prices.

Polar Bear Scare Could Maul Energy Production

Global warming alarmists, news media portray arctic beasts as victims and spokesbears, but protecting their thriving population means greatly increased federal power to control our lives.

Couric: 'Incredible Shrinking Rebate' May Not Be Enough

CBS reports food and energy inflation will nullify the effects of 'stimulus,' while credit cards will do well.

'Today' Saves Energy, But Just for Today

NBC morning hosts carpool for one day to save the Earth, complaining the whole way that carpooling is lame and sarcastically comparing it to living in a tree.

ABC Excludes Capitalist Reason Behind 'No Impact' Experiment

'Nightline' lauds the man without toilet paper, but never mentions his book contract.

Time Part II: Magazine Also Has a Beef with Steak

Time's 51 things 'to make a difference' would control food we eat and where it is grown.
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