
Paulson Tells CNN: Americans 'Save too little,' 'Spend too much.'

Former treasury secretary blames crisis on overspending and 'global imbalances.'

Dear NY Times: Savings Creates Efficiencies

Both Jeffrey Sachs and Paul Krugman Are Wrong About Oversaving

USA Today: Fewer Economists Expect Recession

Poll shows number of economists diagnosing a recession has dropped from 67 percent to 51 percent since April.

Bad Economy Causing Spike in Spam Sales, Reports 'Nightly News'

Anchor Brian Williams calls lunch meat product 'a huge economic indicator' although Hormel attributes profit increase to a variety of factors.

'World News' Criticizes Faith-Based Financial Adviser for Being Anti-Debt

Anchor Dan Harris says following Howard Dayton's Christian financial advice might mean 'radical belt-tightening.'

Cramer Calls for Media Balance on Recession Fears

While reversing his position on the economy from 'sunny skies' to 'recession,' Cramer says media should 'point out the positives with the negatives.'

CNN's 'Recession Watch' Continues, with New Definition of Recession

Morning show focuses on negative Christmas shopping predictions as indicator of economic health, despite strong job growth.

A Ho-Hum Christmas Already?

Annual worries over 'weak' holiday spending hit the airwaves when it's barely November.

'Early Show's' 'Clean and Green' Family Takes Extravagant Carbon-Curbing Measures

CBS showcases Florida family that reduced their carbon footprint by 90 percent, but didn't disclose their cost to do so.

ABC Excludes Capitalist Reason Behind 'No Impact' Experiment

'Nightline' lauds the man without toilet paper, but never mentions his book contract.
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