Leading off a report on Tuesday's NBC Today about President
Obama's trip to survey recovery efforts along New Jersey's shoreline
after Hurricane Sandy, White House correspondent Peter ...
Not a syllable Friday or Saturday night on ABC, CBS or NBC about any of the several Obama scandals, but on Saturday night ABC’s World News trumpeted President Obama’s role as “consoler-in-chief.” ...
“Liberal media bias is an old complaint,” the Wall Street Journal’s
James Taranto noted in his “Best of the Web Today” column this past
Monday on responses to the Obama scandals, before ...
Friday's Good Morning America spent a scant 16 seconds on the
newest development in the IRS scandal, the suspension of agency official
Lois Lerner who oversaw the division responsible for ...
Friday's CBS This Morning, unlike NBC's Today, briefly picked up on NBC journalist Michael Isikoff's significant reporting from Thursday that Attorney General Eric Holder's "signed off on a ...
As of Friday morning, NBC News broadcasts had completely ignored an
important scoop from the network's own national investigative
correspondent Michael Isikoff that Attorney General Eric ...
Already moving on from the IRS scandal? On Thursday night, only the CBS Evening News
of the broadcast network evening newscasts bothered to note how Lois
Lerner, the IRS official in charge of ...
While Thursday's NBC Today completely ignored Wednesday's
dramatic congressional hearing on the growing IRS scandal, the network
morning show did manage to find time to gush over Barack ...
The Big Three networks' coverage so far of the Justice Department's questionable investigation of Fox News' James Rosen has followed a similar pattern to that of their coverage of the Kermit ...
Obama's Secretary of Health and Human Services has come under major
scrutiny for bypassing Congress and soliciting donations from health
executives to help support ObamaCare, yet CNN has ...