
Media Research Center

Media Hype Hansen’s Latest ‘Alarming’ Prediction: Sea Levels to Rise 10 Feet

Critics say claim has ‘zero credibility,’ but CBS, NBC, MSNBC, other media call it a ‘bombshell’ from a ‘top climate scientist.’
Media Research Center

Salon Derides ‘Loony’ Rep. Louie Gohmert for ‘Dumb & Dumber’ Climate Views

Left-wing editor attacks congressman after he promotes ‘opposing viewpoints’ on global warming.
Media Research Center

Anti-Vaxxer Jim Carrey Lashes Out at California Governor Vaccine Mandate

Actor’s twitter tirade hits Gov. Jerry Brown and the CDC. 
Media Research Center

Networks Treat ‘Ice Age’ and Cooling Concerns As Punchlines, Not Possibilities

ABC, CBS, NBC news programs ignore scientists and studies warning of potential cooling threat.
Media Research Center

National Geographic Asks ‘Is Religion Harmful Superstition?’

Guess what the answer is ...
Media Research Center

Nets Slam Salt, Ignore Contrary Views in More Than 93 Percent of Stories

‘Growing chorus’ of scientists say salt in diet is beneficial, contrary to federal guidelines.
Media Research Center

‘Soft Censorship’ Decried in Climate Science Fight Down Under

Australian University bullied by climate alarmists into dropping new department, Inside Higher Ed says.
Media Research Center

Bill Nye Compares Combating Climate Change to Winning World War II

‘Science Guy’ says regulations needed to ‘get people on board’ to stop global warming.
Media Research Center

CBS This Morning Highlights California Legislator ‘Under Personal Attack’ for Vaccine Bill

Anti-vaxxers condemn bill as they cling to fears once promoted by the network news media.
Media Research Center

Famous Journalist’s ‘70s Ice Obsession: ‘Glaciers Down to the Mason-Dixon Line’

‘Murrow Boy’ Howard K. Smith also feared ice age, cited scientists and called their arguments ‘pretty convincing.’
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